dimanche 25 février 2007

I feel better now...

Hi everyone! After this 48 horus of bad trip at the hospital, I feel a lot better now, even if I still have some nauseas... But last night, I slept very well so I feel a lot better now... This morning, we visited the India Gate, The Presidential House, ... Well, all those monuments who merits to be visited... Tonight, we are going to a couchsurfers meeting where I will see the people I had contacted before my departure. There is a dinner after... but I don't know if my stomach will be ok... We will see...

For the rest, India is really really crownded... It's hard to switch from my little countryside to this so big city... Indians told me that it will be even worst than this in Jaipur, Varanasi and Kolkotta. We finally booked all our train tickets and plane tickets with a travel agency. It was a lot cheaper and a lot easier. Sabrina has some problems with her lungs, so I don't know what will happen in the next days... I hope her asthma won't get too bad... Too, it's quite hard to find food that she's not allergic too, and that she likes. Anyway, we will be in families for the next days so I think it will be easier.

For the rest, I really enjoy India. People here are... so different, but so nice at the same time. Everywhere, there's very very very very poor people. Sabrina has been affected by the sight of an old woman asking for some money. She was blind, so her eyes where strange and Sabrina was affraid of her. They are like the mendiants in Paris. But the way she's acting, I think that she's a little affraid of beeing in the middle of so many persons... But I have to admit that my past travels help me a lot to not be too distracted by all those people.

Aglaee... I know, I should have listened to you... Well, I've paid the price now and for my next trip, be sure that I will take an appointment with my best and favorite dietetist :) Father and mother, breath again, I'm safe and good... Even if India is definitely not a country for you!!! lol! Pascal, I love you too and you miss me... Specialy when I was at the hospital... I was feeling so alone... and in more, I was (and I'm still) responsable of Sabrina. So it was quite hard. Anyway, it's over now :) Belier, thanks for your message. I'm looking to meet you in Quebec in the next months ;) El Greco, thanks too for your note :) Yes, you are right, in India, I meet a lot lot lot of people here!!!

I hope everyone is fine in Canada and looking to read you :) It's so good to have all those messages from friends when I'm so far away from home, in a so special but amazing country. I'm really happy to have the chance to see this place... I feel so lucky! :)

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

and now


I am sending you an email


Anonyme a dit...

what the fuck.
ecrit aussie en francais s.v.p.
j comprend presque rien.
je t'aime tu me manque.

Pascal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Anonyme a dit...

Je suis contente de voir que ta santé s'améliore et j'espère que cela ne va pas trop te gâcher ton voyage.
Notre blog est créé, mais il y a peu de chose dessus pour le moment. L'adresse est la suivante: sirerable.skyblog.com.
Bonne continuation

Anonyme a dit...


Nous sommes contents de voir que les gens s'occupent bien de vous deux. Continuez à prendre soin de vous autres. Michel est enfin libre de son français. Il a repris l'avion dimanche soir. Nous avons une place à Bretagne sur le bord de la mer. C'est sympa...
Sylvie et Michel xxx